Friday, April 7, 2017

Celebrity Culture Blog 7, Question 1 (April 11th)

Which celebrity has the strongest overall brand? What makes the brand so strong and what are some of the ways that the celebrity leverages her/his brand in the marketplace? Meanwhile, which celebrity’s brand needs to be revamped and why? What are some of the current problems with the brand?  Limit: 7 responses


  1. Angie King

    The celebrity with the strongest overall brand is the Kardashian Empire. To be more specific, Kim Kardashian has the strongest brand of the sisters. The reason that the Kardashian brand is so strong is because their image is their product. Their “family business model is a reversal of most other: products and businesses are advertisements for people rather than the other way around” (Hines). The Kardashians are advertisements for their own products and businesses. And those products and businesses seem countless at this point in their careers. They have created products such as cosmetics, clothing, credit cards, food, beverages, emojis, books and much more. Between all the siblings, “Kendall, Kylie, Kim, Kourtney, Khloé, Kris, and Rob have 216 collective trademark applications” (Hines). Throughout their endeavors, there have certainly been some business failures and lawsuits. However, it is the “Kardashian” tag that keeps them afloat. However, the most successful Kardashian tag can be bought in the app store. The “family’s most successful brand extension yet is not a product but a game. Kim Kardashians Hollywood, and app from Glu Mobile, generated $76.7 million in revenue in 2015…40 percent of which reportedly went to Kim” (Hines). Kim Kardashian has been the most successful of the siblings in terms of going digital. She has spent a significant amount of time in San Francisco and at tech conferences to understand her new market, and how to capitalize on it. Although the Kardashians are not the top-earning celebrities, they have the best brand because they are everywhere. They are on television, in the bookstore, in the app store, in the mall, on social media, at Kanye West’s concerts and fashion shows and virtually anywhere else you can think of. Their brand is so strong because they are vertically integrated in almost every market that’s beneficial to them. The Kardashian/Jenner clan holds the ultimate brand.

    1. On the less successful side is Justin Bieber. The teen star went through a bit of a rough patch, which led to his apology tour. Although he made amends, he is still sending mixed signals about his brand. Beforehand, Bieber embarked on a “long-running apology tour intended to liberate him from a reputation tarnishes by messy legal woes and a tumultuous personal life played out in the public eye. Bieber’s late teens and early (or earlier) twenties put him in danger of becoming that infamous Hollywood cliché, as the bright-eyed child star with genuine talent weathered a year-and-a-half-long spiral that included a DUI arrest, vandalism allegations and an open-ended breakup with Selena Gomez” (Aiello). Bieber went on to make many apologies, revamped his career with an apology tour and put out his incredibly successful album Purpose. So does that mean all is right in Bieber’s world? Not quite. He has recently been sending mixed messages about his relationship with his fans. In May 2016, Bieber announced that he would no longer take pictures with fans, noting that he wanted his personal space and felt like a zoo animal (Ryder). However, he then posted a slew of pictures on Instagram hugging fans and promoting love. Which was a nice gesture, but a mixed signal. Bieber should consider the messages he is sending by establishing a more consistent brand.

      Works Cited
      Aiello, McKenna. “How Justin Bieber Turned It All Around Before His 22nd Birthday.” E!
      Online. E! News, 29 February 2016. Web. 09 April 2017.
      Hines, Alice. “The Kardashian Empire is Bigger and Weirder Than You Think.” The Outline.
      The Outline, 27 December 2016. Web. 09 April 2017.
      Ryder, Taryn. “Justin Bieber Refuses to Take Photo With Fan: ‘You Make Me Sick’.” Yahoo!
      13 March 2017. Web. 09 April 2017.

  2. Scrolling through social media, it’s hard to not find at least one post discussing the Kardashians. Despite the start that got them to where they are now, I would have to say that the Kardashians have the strongest brand. Even with the scandalous events that have been tied to their name, they have managed to create a brand that caters to many. As mentioned in an article discussing the Kardashian brand, “It’s been said many times that the Kardashians are famous for being famous” (Hines). They are the kinds of celebrities that people love to hate. It also helps that there are so many of them. They have managed to create this overall brand for themselves that can apply to every individual family member. Each member of the family has played their own role in the brand and it just gives people the chance to find the one Kardashian they love.
    The Kardashians are so successful because people want to be them. This is what makes their brand so strong. As mentioned in an article discussing the family’s brand, “’Consumers want to live their lifestyle and people think, ‘I can be a Kardashian too'” (Levine). People enjoy watching them and following them because they aspire to have what they have. This is what makes them so good when it comes to leveraging their brand in the market place. The Kardashians have managed to launch their own clothing store and clothing lines, release an app, create their own perfumes, have their own show, and endorse a number of items spanning from diet pills to makeup. Some of their other products include Christmas ornaments, gaming chips, yo-yos, items for the bathroom, and so much more (Hines). They have been able to ultimately sell themselves through various products and have been lucky enough to have a fan base that supports them. They are good at what they do because they don’t stray away from the brand. As mentioned in an article discussing personal branding lessons learned from celebrity women, “Khloe Kardashian has also admitted to turning down numerous endorsement deals if they don’t mesh well with her personal brand” (Isaac). They stick to what they know and stray away from anything that may go against that brand. They have also managed to create a social media following that surpasses many, sealing a solid fan base that continues to grow everyday.
    On the opposite side of the spectrum, there are those celebrities who have been struggling with their brand. One person who’s brand seems to be taking a hit and could afford to be revamped is Justin Bieber. Lately, there has been more negative attention geared towards Justin Bieber and it has a lot to do with the treatment of his fans. There have been many reports of him acting rudely to fans and this has resulted in a huge hit to his brand. Just recently, after finally regaining a bit of positive light, another fan reported how rude Bieber was to her when asked to take a picture. This has caused many to stray away from the singer. As quoted by the girls mother, ““After years of supporting him, my daughter will never see him again in concert” (Ryder). This has become the case for the many fans who have heavily supported the singer for years. Some of his problems include deleting his Instagram due to negative comments, refusing to sing at his own concert due to screaming fans, refusing to take pictures with fans, and acting recklessly. It’s safe to say his brand is something that is going to take a bit to revamp with the trouble he’s gotten himself into lately.

    Works Cited
    Hines, Alice. “The Kardashian Empire is Bigger and Weirder Than You Think.” The Outline. 28 Dec. 2016. Web. 9 Apr. 2017.
    Isaac, Cheryl. “6 Personal Branding Lessons Learned From Forbes Celebrity 100 Women.” Forbes. 18 May 2012. Web. 9 Apr. 2017.
    Levine, Shira. “5 Ways The Kardashian Family Built A $65 Million Brand.” American Express: Open Forum. 9 Aug. 2011. Web. 9 Apr. 2017.
    Ryder, Taryn. “Justin Bieber Refuses to Take Picture With Fan: ‘You Make Me Sick.’” Yahoo!Celebrity. 13 Mar. 2017. Web. 9 Apr. 2017.

  3. The biggest celebrity brand is the Kardashian empire. What makes this empire so special is that it is not just one person but sisters, children, and significant others. It is not just one person making it so special. They all play an integral part in the Kardashian empire’s success. We all know Kim made her way to fame when she was released in a sex tape with her famous ex-boyfriend. Ever since Kim has capitalized on that event and so has her mother Kris pushing their way to the top. In the last couple years Kim has been increasing the size of her brand which in turn increases the size of the Kardashian empire. According to Robehmed, “Kardashian has stumbled into an entirely new way to monetize fame, and she's been shrewd enough to capitalize on a massive scale. Kardashian stars in a mobile game, Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, in which players create their own celebrity, befriend Kim and work their way onto the A-list.” This wasn’t the only thing that sky rocketed the Kardashian clan to complete and utter stardom. Kendall Jenner sparked something in the brand that many thought were long gone. That something was, youth. Kendall is young, a model, a spokesperson, and a sponsor for many international brands. Most recently she was signed on to do a Pepsi commercial. According to Jackie Willis, “Jenner is seen ending a protest by sharing a Pepsi with a police officer as the crowd starts to cheer. The scene has sparked a Twitter backlash, with some threatening to boycott the soft drink company, while others accused the brand of mocking the Black Lives Matter movement.” Even though Jenner wasn’t able to comment on the tweets and posts ridiculing the commercial the publicity for her and her family was good. It made the brand even more successful especially since Pepsi is a major corporation that has been around for decades. The more the family connects with major corporations and continues to implement new businesses the brand will become even more special than it already is. According to Alice Hines, “Kendall, Kylie, Kim, Kourtney, Khloé, Kris, and Rob have 216 collective trademark applications. ‘Don’t be a bore, be a whore!’ is a clothing line from KhloMoney, Inc.; ‘Cover the Camel’ is another, presumably with thicker fabric. Kardashian Khaos, registered by 2Die4Kourt, covers products including Christmas tree ornaments, gaming chips, and yo-yos. Kimsaprincess, Inc. has trademarked more types of bags than I knew existed: beach bags, diaper bags, duffel bags for travel, carry-on bags, leather and imitation leather bags, leather suitcases, military duffle bags, overnight bags, bags used as backpacks, key cases, wallets, tote bags, shoulder bags, cosmetic bags sold empty, backpacks, athletic bags, satchels.” These trademarks are what makes the Kardashian empire so huge and what keeps it thriving. They have every aspect of the industry covered except for film. They do however still have their reality show which has been the trademark for the whole empire and still is.

    Works Cited
    Hines, Alice. "The Kardashians Will Be Here Forever." The Outline. The Outline, 27 Dec. 2016. Web. 09
    Apr. 2017.
    Robehmed, Natalie. "Kim Kardashian West, Mobile Mogul: The Forbes Cover Story." Forbes. Forbes
    Magazine, 12 July 2016. Web. 09 Apr. 2017.
    Willis, Jackie. "Kendall Jenner 'Devastated' Over Pulled Pepsi Ad Controversy -- Is This a Career
    Breaker?" Yahoo! Yahoo!, 05 Apr. 2017. Web. 09 Apr. 2017.

  4. When I think of celebrities that have made themselves a “brand,” I (shamefully) think of the Kardashians and the impact they had on changing celebrity culture. Kim Kardashian was ranked #6 on the top influencer list with over 159 million followers. Kylie Jenner was ranked #9 with over 119 million followers. Khloe Kardashian placed #13 with over 99 million followers, and Kendal Jenner was #18 with over 104 million followers. (D'Marie) From being crowned “famous for being famous,” to being involved in clothing, financial products, foods, beverage, and downloadable emoji’s (Hines), the Kardashians are involved in a plethora of things that make them famous. I believe this brand has become so strong because they became a household name. Despite the reason that they initially gained fame, they have been able to capitalize on it. Ironically, although they seem to have their hands on many industries, around half of the family’s trademark applications were abandoned (Hines). People would go into the Dash store and buy tourist or novelty items- not the clothes or shoes that one would have expected. It suggests that people are concerned with seeming associated with the brand, without investing too much into it. Regardless, the Kardashians are ranking in millions. Kim alone graced the cover of Forbes magazine, and reported earning $51 million in a year (Greenburg).
    So in this age of “over information” and celebrity life being common knowledge, how do celebrities make their brand as powerful as the Kardashian Empire seem to have? You don’t do what Justin Bieber has been doing lately. During one of his tours, he was heard telling a fan that he wouldn’t take a photo with her because she “made him sick.” (Ryder) In addition to that, there were large number of complaints that stated that Bieber’s performance during the tour was dry and “lackluster.” (Ryder) In this age, social media can prove to be your crutch or your downfall. Celebrities are learning to give off the best brand image on their social media channels, but the fans also have their own voices on these channels also. When an outcry begins, it can spread like wildfire. Take example of the Kendal Jenner Pepsi advert that came out. Social media erupted in criticism and displeasure- which ended with Pepsi “removing the content and halting and further rollout.” (Bond) Although Bieber didn’t receive such national public backlash, his brand is one that needs revamping more than Kendall’s at this point. I say this because although this was a fuax pas on Jenner’s part, Bieber’s action has been a repetitive thing, with constant complaints. From bickering with fans and an ex on social media, to insulting them and refusing photos in person (Ryder), Justin Bieber needs a brand revamping that reminds the fans that he in fact is here for them and shouldn't give up on him yet.

    1. Bond, Shannon. "Pepsi withdraws Kendall Jenner ad after social media backlash." 5 April 2017. Financial Times. Web. April 2017.

      D'Marie. Ranking. 2019. Web. April 2017. .

      Greenburg, Zack O'Malley. "The World's Highest-Paid Celebrities Of 2016." 13 July 2016. Forbes. Web. April 2017.

      Hines, Alice. "The Kardashian Empire is Bigger and Weirder than You Think." 28 December 2016. The Outline. Web. April 2017.

      Ryder, Taryn. "Justin Bieber Refuses to Take Photo With Fan – ‘You Make Me Sick’." 13 March 2017. Yahoo News. Web. April 2017.

  5. In modern day I would have to argue that the Kardashians have the strongest overall brand. They are represented in so many facets of society with each representing a different and unique look. The Kardashians first off have a huge number of products and their brand is so flexible that they can dip into so many different markets. They have vastly differing products, but the products are all hugely successful (for the most part) whether it be in cosmetics, clothing, financial products, beverages, or even downloadable emojis. For the Kardashians, even if any of their products struggle, the ones that do well is on such a large scale that the bad sales don’t even matter. The most impressive part of it all might be that the Kardashians are able to bring together so many different products and offerings without any brand dilution (Hines). The Kardashian name has been branded so powerfully and in such a manner that it can seemingly associate its name with any product and it well sell. In addition, the Kardashians are so relevant on social media today which plays a huge role in branding their name and gaining a bigger following. Particularly on Instagram they are able to connect with a huge number of potential consumers while marketing some of their products as well as their brand name.

    Out of the powerful Kardashian family, I would have to argue that Kim has the strongest overall brand. Through her power relationship with Kanye, her multiple scandals such as her sex tape, and other promotions such as their family's television series, she has somehow pulled it all together into a very marketable and relevant brand in today’s celebrity culture. To further add to her brand image and revenue stream, she has even reached into the market of mobile gaming, and developed a game after herself called “Kim Kardashian”. The game has been downloaded 45 million times, and generated 160 million in revenue since being launched (Robehmed). This game serves as another example of how powerful her brand is and how it can dip into any type of market and generate revenue.

    1. As far as celebrities being revamped, if I was asked this question a couple years ago I would have immediately answered Justin Bieber. Before his 22nd birthday he already had a DUI arrest, vandalism allegations, and his very public breakup with Selena Gomez (Aiello). The “bad boy” look works for some celebrities, but it seemed as if he was taking it too far. But Justin ultimately has made huge steps to improve his image through the Comedy Central roast a few years back along with various other public events.

      I think one celebrity whose brand news to be revamped is Paris Hilton. She used to be very popular years ago with her TV show, but she seemingly has fallen off the planet. She is someone who would need to to develop a new brand identity so she can become relevant again. One current problem with her brand is that she comes off as unintelligent through past comments and actions, so this may be one aspect to address with a new brand.

      Works Cited
      Aiello, McKenna. "How Justin Bieber Turned It All Around Before His 22nd Birthday." E! Online. E! News, 29 Feb. 2016. Web. 10 Apr. 2017.

      Hines, Alice. "The Kardashians Will Be Here Forever." The Outline. The Outline, 27 Dec. 2016. Web. 10 Apr. 2017.

      Robehmed, Natalie. "Kim Kardashian West, Mobile Mogul: The Forbes Cover Story." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 12 July 2016. Web. 10 Apr. 2017.

  6. When thinking of celebrities that have had the strongest brand in today’s world, I think it’s safe to say that the Kardashians are what come to mind. The Kardashians are creating history, as they are one of the biggest celebrities that are known for not having any talent. However, the Kardashians have been so successful in the way that they brand themselves. In the article, “The Kardashian Empire is Bigger and Weirder than You Think,” Alice Hines includes the ways in which the Kardashians have proved themselves to be relevant to the media today. “In fact, they’ve done a great deal of things: cosmetics, clothing, financial products, food, beverages, downloadable emojis” (Hines). Although about half of the family’s trademark applications have been abandoned, everyone knows about the Kardashians and they continue to be a topic of discussion, amongst both haters and fans.
    The sisters have clothing lines, beauty kits, and even game apps. Not only do they brand themselves through these services and products, but their social media accounts also play a big role. When Kim Kardashian went silent on social media for a few weeks after the Paris robbery, so many people were in an uproar. On D’Marie’s social media influencer rankings, Kim is ranked at #6 with almost 160 million followers. (D’Marie) Her social media accounts contribute to her brand as a whole, as that is where she easily displays her work and her image. In an article with Vanity Fair, Josh Duboff notes the importance of Kim’s presence on social media. “Kardashian West’s ‘brand’ has always been one that is centered around bold images and careful presentation” (Duboff). As Kim has returned to social media, she is able to continue expanding her brand and image even further.
    Another celebrity that is on the rise of having a strong brand is Rihanna. Rihanna has partnered with large companies such as Puma, in order to market herself even more to fans. In the article, “Need an Endorsement?” Christina Cauterucci explains how Rihanna has successfully branded herself. “Magazine publishers sell more issues when she’s on the cover; pro basketball teams win more games when she’s in the crowd” (Cauterucci). Rihanna is taking all the options she can to brand herself, while also promoting herself through Instagram. I think she is another celebrity with a strong brand who will continue to expand it.

    1. One celebrity that definitely needs to revamp both his brand and image is Justin Bieber. Taryn Ryder states in an article how Bieber has hurt his image. “Back in May, Bieber told fans he would no longer take pictures with them” (Ryder). A celebrity that shows no love for his fans is going to ruin his brand. Everything that a celebrity does in the limelight affects his or her brand that is established. People do not want to support a celebrity that is not appreciative of their fans. If Bieber can turn this image around, he will be able to improve and market his brand better.

      Works Cited:
      Cauterucci, Christina. “Need a Celebrity Endorsement? Pick Rihanna Over Beyoncé.” Slate. 14 Jan. 2016. Web.

      D'Marie. Ranking. 2019. Web.

      Duboff, Josh. “Kim Kardashian’s Return to Social Media Signals A New Chapter.” Vanity Fair. 4 Jan. 2017. Web.

      Hines, Alice. "The Kardashian Empire is Bigger and Weirder than You Think." The Outline. 28 Dec. 2016. Web.

      Ryder, Taryn. "Justin Bieber Refuses to Take Photo With Fan – ‘You Make Me Sick’." Yahoo News. 13 Mar. 2017. Web.

  7. I didn’t want to focus on the obvious candidate with the strongest brand, which is most likely Kim Kardashian. Instead, I want to focus on an artist that has curated a brand for over a decade- Jay Z. Jay Z is a hip-hop artist that broke out in the late 90s after a series of hits, catapulting himself to the top tier of hip-hop artists. His style and street swagger gained him instant popularity with hip-hop fans, and he began to cultivate a personal brand that would become widely recognized.
    After the success of his earlier singles, Jay-Z realized that he could capitalize on his image and sell more than music. He founded Rocawear, a spin-off of his very successful label Roc-A-Fella Records. For a lot of fans, Jay-Z was the epitome of “cool”, due to his persona and the story he told. The fans wanted Jay-Z’s music, but they also wanted to resemble Jay. That is why starting a clothing line was a strong way to push his brand, because Jay knew that his fans would purchase anything with the Roc name on it- clothing, cologne, etc. “My brands are an extension of me. They’re close to me. It’s not like running GM, where there’s no emotional attachment” – Jay Z. Jay ended up selling his Rocawear brand in 2007, personally making $204 million in the process- the single biggest gain or a hip-hop artist to date (Scheidies).
    Jay-‘s brand is strong because after breaking through in the hip-hop game, he tore right into the business world. He began to put his name on anything that could make him money, and he was successful with this. Today, he is not only recognized as one of the best hip-hop artists of all time, but one of the best businessmen of all time as well. “I’m not a businessman, I’m a business, man” – Jay Z. Now, in 2017, Jay Z has over 50 million albums sold, 17 Grammys, a net worth of over $500 million, a successful label, and ownership of many other brands including the Brooklyn Nets and Dusse, a liquor brand (Complex). It is quite evident that Jay-Z knows how to maneuver his business ventures while promoting his brand.

    1. Justin Bieber is an artist that needs his brand revamped. His music continues to top the charts and he is still a top-selling artist, but with fame comes plenty of opportunities to make mistakes. His lifestyle has frequently been criticized, due to multiple arrests, reports of extreme partying, drug use, and more (Aiello). Bieber went from being a young, innocent pop star to taking on some sort of “bad-boy” reputation due to his newfound wealth and fame. His brand is currently a reflection of what can happen to an innocent kid who is given all the money in the world. Mistakes will be made, and a bad reputation can quickly be developed. As Bieber continues to mature in age, I am sure he will find a way to revamp his brand to become a better role model for younger men, and continue to make good music for all fans to enjoy.

      Works Cited
      Aiello, McKenna. "How Justin Bieber Turned It All Around Before His 22nd Birthday." E! Online. E! News, 29 Feb. 2016. Web. 11 Apr. 2017.
      Complex. "The 25 Most Powerful People in Rap (Right Now)." Complex. Complex, 20 Oct. 2016. Web. 11 Apr. 2017.
      Greenburg, Zack O'Malley. "Full List: The World's Highest-Paid Celebrities Of 2016." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 13 July 2016. Web. 11 Apr. 2017.
      Scheidies, Nick. "Marketing Lessons of Top Rapper Entrepreneurs How to Make Money Online." How To Make Money Online. N.p., 26 Oct. 2015. Web. 11 Apr. 2017.

  8. There are many celebrities around the globe that have stellar brands and great reputations for maintaining those brands. The whole idea behind becoming and remaining a successful and popular celebrity is creating and maintaining one’s own brand, in order to attract a following. Indeed, one who acquires a massive fortune can become a celebrity in their own right, however, in order to be a celebrity, one must be famous. They do not necessarily need the fortune, just the fame, although acquiring fortune typically acts as a catalyst for one’s celebrity status.
    The keys to having a strong brand is having a good reputation in the eyes of the particular set of followers and keeping that reputation appealing to them. While there are many celebrities with very strong brands, there are fewer whom can be defined as elite. To name a few, Taylor Swift and Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson seem to have produced extremely successful brands that span over a wide range of demographics consistently for the past few years. In other words, (almost) everyone loves them. While others such as Golf Star Tiger woods can take an incredibly successful brand and destroy it with a series of cheating scandals that has seriously affected his career. His brand has survived but has taken serious hits considering, he has yet to win a major tournament since the scandal. One way he could improve his brand would be to win another major.
    Other celebs brands can be a mix of good and bad. For example, Tom Brady, Quarterback of the New-England Patriots, ranked 15th in earnings in Forbes’ highest paid athletes and 54th in overall celebrities. Brady is also one of the most polarizing figures in sports today. Those sports fans who live in the Boston area, think of him as the greatest of all time at his position. The G.O.A.T. they call him. In New England he is a living legend. He epitomizes the American dream “Brady symbolizes the dream, however far-fetched, that anyone can achieve greatness just by grinding in the face of doubt until you get your shot.” (Van Valkenburg) While he is worshipped in New England, in other parts of the country, especially New York, Baltimore, and Miami, he is the NFL’s biggest villain. Whether it be his continuous success, his ‘whining for calls’, or his alleged involvement in cheating scandals, Brady’s celebrity has turned from the underdog loved by all, to the evil king surrounded by schadenfreude. In other words, people love to hate him.

    1. Speaking of Americans loving to hate someone, I cannot talk about celebrity brands without discussing the strongest of them all. The Kardashian empire. They have saturated all forms of popular culture here in the US. Their name is everywhere. Lead by the matriarch, Kris Jenner, the Kardashians have built a celebrity empire that can withstand countless number of scandalous events, because they are one big living scandal. It’s almost as if every month there is a new report about their personal life sparks controversy in the tabloids. Then everyone is talking about them. For example, the most recent scandal was Kendall Jenner’s Pepsi ad that sparked backlash on social media, accusing the ad of mocking the Black Lives Matter group. However, this will by no means be a career breaker. If Jenner could post topless photos of herself on social media on her 18th birthday without any backlash, then she, with the help of the family can survive this blunder. Especially since Pepsi apologized for “… putting Kendall Jenner in this position." (Willis) The Kardashians were by no means a-list celebrities until a certain adult film jumpstarted them into reality TV series. With that fame they have built a family brand empire releasing hundreds of different products that “If you were stranded on a desert island, you could live for a reasonable amount of time on Kardashian-Jenner branded consumer products.” (Hines) The Kardashians are deep into the modeling/fashion industry, and most of their successful consumer products are aimed towards that market, such as makeup kits, clothing lines, and perfumes. So in fact they are not famous for nothing. Yet because their empire has been surrounded by so many scandals and to many they seem to have a sense of entitlement because they are rich, the Kardashians will remain a polarizing family.

    2. Works Cited
      Valkenburg, Kevin Van. "Love, hate and Brady: How Tom became the improbable lightning rod." ESPN. ESPN Internet Ventures, 25 Jan. 2017. Web. 11 Apr. 2017. .
      Hines, Alice. "The Kardashians will be here forever." The Outline. The Outline, 27 Dec. 2016. Web. 11 Apr. 2017. .
      Willis, Jackie. "EXCLUSIVE: Kendall Jenner 'Devastated' Over Pulled Pepsi Ad Controversy -- Is This a Career Breaker?" Yahoo! Yahoo!, 05 Apr. 2017. Web. 11 Apr. 2017. .


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